geriatric rehabilitation physical therapy

Top 5 Benefits of Geriatric Rehabilitation Physical Therapy

As we age, our bodies go through a natural process of physical change. This can lead to a decline in mobility, strength, and overall functioning. However, with proper care and rehabilitation, older adults can improve their quality of life and maintain their independence. Geriatric Rehabilitation Physical Therapy is a specialized form of physical therapy that […]

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Repetitive Strain Treatment

Repetitive Strain Injury Physical Therapy

Repetitive Strain Injuries  (RSI) are a common and often debilitating condition that affects many individuals in various industries. These injuries are typically caused by repetitive motions, overuse of certain muscles, poor ergonomics, and other factors. Physical therapy is a crucial component in the treatment and recovery process for individuals suffering from RSI. This article aims […]

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Whiplash Injuries from Auto Accidents

Whiplash Injuries from Auto Accidents – Exploring the Role of Physical Therapy

Whiplash Injuries Whiplash injuries are common outcomes of auto accidents, often resulting in pain, discomfort, and long-term physical limitations for those affected. While medical interventions such as pain medication and rest can provide temporary relief, physical therapy has emerged as an effective long-term solution for managing and recovering from whiplash injuries. In this blog, we […]

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Unlocking Mobility: How Physiotherapy Services Can Transform Your Life

Lack of mobility can have detrimental physical and psychological effects. Physical health candeteriorate due to muscle weakness, joint stiffness, and decreased balance and coordination. Thiscan lead to increased risk of falls and injuries, as well as a decline in cardiovascular health and overallfitness. Furthermore, limited mobility can result in feelings of frustration, sadness, and isolation, […]

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What All Things Are Done In Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy is the study of science of movements. It is a healthcare profession that includes different treatment modalities like joint mobilization, electrotherapy, heat therapy, exercises, patient awareness and advice for treating an ailment, deformity or injury. When Should I Go To A Physical Therapist? This is a very common yet important question. If you […]

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Benefits Of Physical Therapy

WHY PHYSICAL THERAPY? To know the benefits of physical therapy, you should get into the details of physical therapy. It is a highly beneficial niche treatment of injury, disorder and disease. Using specific physical methods, it aids in restoring the mobility, function and movement in the affected area. Physical Therapy uses experimented and researched information […]

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Physical Therapy : Importance Of Exercises

Physical therapy exercises have a major role to play in the recovery plan for any injury or accident. They are directed towards specific functional objectives. For instance, restoring muscular and skeletal function, increasing circulation, reducing muscle spasms and improving overall strength and well-being. Gone are the days when a patient was told to simply rest. […]

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