Nupur Oza
Nupur Oza
Director of PT

Nupur Oza is a Licensed Physical Therapist (PT) and Director of Pro-Active ...

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Ritu Dudani
Ritu Dudani
Physical Therapist

Ritu Dudani is a licensed physical therapist and got her Masters from MS University....

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Vandana Chowdhary
Vandana Chowdhary
Physical Therapist

Vandana Chowdhary is a licensed physical therapist with a focus in neurological...

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Nikita Tripathi
Physical Therapist

Nikita is a physical therapist and got her MPT from Indian spinal...

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Megan Oza
Megan Oza
Physical Therapist

Megan Oza has a Doctorate in Physical Therapy (DPT) from Northwestern University...

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Billing Manager

Lenaisa graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science ...

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Ame Molina
Ame Molina
Front Desk Manager

Ame Molina has a great deal of administrative experience with more than 25 years ...

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