Physical Therapy for Musculoskeletal issues
What are Musculoskeletal disorders?
Musculoskeletal Disorders or MSDs are disorders and injuries that affect the Musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, bones, joints, tendons, ligaments, etc.) or hinder human body’s range of motion.
Common MSDs include:
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
Bone fractures
Muscle / Tendon Strain
Tension Neck Syndrome
Thoracic Outlet Compression
Radial Tunnel Syndrome
Trigger Finger / Thumb
Mechanical Back Syndrome
Musculoskeletal disorders are common with the increase in age. The severity of the MSD can vary from Pain to fatigue and in most severe cases loss of function. Early analysis and checkup may help affluence symptoms and improve long-term stance.
What causes MSD?
With the increase in age, wrong postures, poor work practices, poor fitness, poor health habits, high task repetition etc. fatigue lingers to outrun recovery and the Musculoskeletal imbalance persists, hence Musculoskeletal issues occur.
What are the symptoms of MSDs?
Symptoms of Musculoskeletal pain depend on whether the pain is caused by a wound or overuse and whether it is chronic or severe. The symptoms can also differ from person to person.
Symptoms of MSDs include:
Aching or stiffness of the entire body
Muscle Pull
Dull aches
Stiff Joints
Sleep disturbances
Twitching muscles
The sensation of “burning” in your muscles
How are MSDs diagnosed?
If you’re experiencing symptoms of an MSD, make an appointment with your doctor or physical therapist. A Physical Exam will likely be performed to examine your condition. The Doctor or physical therapist will check for:
muscle weakness
muscle atrophy
They may also test your reflexes. Unusual reflexes may indicate nerve damage. A few imaging tests, such as X-rays or MRI scans can also be recommended. These tests can help them examine your bones and soft tissues.
How are MSDs treated?
Based on your diagnosis and the severity of your symptoms, a treatment plan is curated. Which will address Pain, redness, swelling, weakness stiffness etc. Quite often physical therapy, occupational therapy, or both are suggested to reduce the severity of the MSD.
With the help of scientific research, it has been identified that physical therapy is a prominent solution for Musculoskeletal support. The physical therapies can help you learn how to manage your pain and discomfort, maintain your strength and range of motion, and adjust your everyday activities and environments.